Monday, October 13, 2014

Antiquing in Phoenix


One of my dear friends, Debbie, has been telling me for ages how wonderful the antiquing in Phoenix is.  Debbie comes up with the best finds!  One day, Debbie called me and said the Sweet Salvage Event and the Junk in the Trunk Show were happening the same week.  She was going to call a bunch of friends to gather at her house for a girl's weekend filled with shopping Goodwill, thrift stores, antique stores and these two fabulous shows.  How could I say no!  I booked my flight and waited with anticipation for that week to come.  There were seven of us and we shopped every one of the stores and then waited for the Sweet Salvage event which is the third week of every month.  We were fortunate to attend the Wednesday night preview.  Oh my gosh!  There were about 12 vendors and they have three weeks to put their booth together according to the theme that was decided upon by Kim, the founder.  The displays were over the top!  You are not able to shop that night but believe me, I scoped out every little item I loved and marked it down where it was located.  The next morning, we woke up and were out the door at 6:30 in the morning with a quick stop at McDonald's for a cup of coffee and were second in line.  The show doesn't open until 10am and we were so ready to start.  It was around 100 degrees with insufferable humidity but the staff handed out iced waters and big umbrellas.  The doors opened and we were off!  Because I scoped out the whole store the night before, I was able to pick up ALL the items I wanted.  ðŸ˜Š After that we hit several shops and then crashed out at Chateau Debbie's with appetizers and wine.  A perfect end to a day.  



                               Do you think we had fun shopping! ðŸ˜Š

Staying at Chateau Debbie's is like vacationing at a 5 star resort.  Every need was taken care of and then being with good friends was the icing on the cake. 

 Next day, was a free day with a stop at Anthropologie and a wonderful warehouse called Antiquities Warehouse.  Over the top antiques!  Steak, salad and wine and we were all ready for bed because we had to get an early start for the Junk in the Trunk Showthe following morning.  


Next morning another early stop for coffee and then waiting in line.  The doors open and we were all off in different directions.  Because of Remnants, I am used to vendors preparing their spaces with over the top merchandising.  Junk in the Trunk is a one day show and the vendors have limited time to set up so the displays were not what I was used to but believe me, there were LOTS of treasures to be found!  Came home with a truck load and van full.  

Being amongst all these ladies, we all have our OCD quirks.  Saturday afternoon, Debbie, our host, brought freshly laundered towels to the table to fold.  I asked if I could help, I a received a firm NO!  Debbie quickly laughed and said I have a certain way of folding my towels.  Well, that just started a conversation and a show and tell of all the different ways each of us folds our towels.  Well, let me tell you, Dawn, from Washington, took the cake.  We were all in awe and here is a quick reason why.  Have fun watching.

IMG 0957 from judy watkins on Vimeo.

Sunday, we all starting wrapping and packing our loot because we were all leaving for home.  I packed my carry-on inside the biggest suitcase I owned.  Debbie dropped me off at the airport and I lugged that piece of luggage to the counter and the gentlemen quietly tells me that I am five pounds over and that I need to remove items to reach the 50 pound limit.  Are you kidding me! I paid him the $100!  No, way was I leaving anything behind.

I arrived home to a happy husband, son and puppy.  I guess they missed me for that week fending for themselves!

I was so happy and content.  I've never spend a girl's weekend ever before and the friendships that I gained and the time spent together were priceless.  It is only one time a year that these two shows are in the same week and I have already booked my flight for next year!  I can hardly wait!



1 comment:

  1. Well, done!Sounds like a MAGICAL get a away!Nothing like a GIRLS WEEKEND!
