Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pammy's Attic

crown 1

I feel that Pam and I are like kindred spirits, we think a like, we like similar things and love our collections in our homes. So, when I posed my questions to Pam, I get it! :)

--What is the funniest item that you have purchased?
--That's easy says Pam. I bought a skull of a cow at the Farm Chicks show and put it in my garden. Oh wait a minute Pam says, one more thing...a vintage bingo cage and it sits on my coffee table. It is so cool she says and I love that it is interactive shape and it is a conversational piece.
--If you were to write a book about yourself, what would the title be and why.
--"Anything for a Buck!" Pam is known to take things off the wall and sell it if someone is interested. I totally understand this one!
--What would be the collection you would take in case of a natural disaster?
--My silver trophies and the two vintage signs in my living room.
I can hardly wait to see Pam and she is coming all the way down from Idaho! I think she is coming just to see me but I know that she has a new grand baby coming in October. For more info what is Pam bringing to the show, go to her blog and website here.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes....I know those vintage signs you are referring to and I know someone paid BIG BUCKS for those!! =)))
