I feel that Pam and I are like kindred spirits, we think a like, we like similar things and love our collections in our homes. So, when I posed my questions to Pam, I get it! :)
--What is the funniest item that you have purchased?
--That's easy says Pam. I bought a skull of a cow at the Farm Chicks show and put it in my garden. Oh wait a minute Pam says, one more thing...a vintage bingo cage and it sits on my coffee table. It is so cool she says and I love that it is interactive shape and it is a conversational piece.
--If you were to write a book about yourself, what would the title be and why.
--"Anything for a Buck!" Pam is known to take things off the wall and sell it if someone is interested. I totally understand this one!
--What would be the collection you would take in case of a natural disaster?
--My silver trophies and the two vintage signs in my living room.
I can hardly wait to see Pam and she is coming all the way down from Idaho! I think she is coming just to see me but I know that she has a new grand baby coming in October. For more info what is Pam bringing to the show, go to her blog and website here.
Ah yes....I know those vintage signs you are referring to and I know someone paid BIG BUCKS for those!! =)))